Saturday, September 12, 2009


Well, we are note quite in Scotland yet. Our flight back over the pond last night left the gate on time, but had to taxi for an hour before we reached the runway. The captain told us there was up to 40 planes in front of us waiting to take off! He said this is the norm when the weather is not good at JFK (it had been rainy all day and I think it got heavier in the evening once we were safely in the terminal. There was also little tail wind to help us make up time so we ended up arriving at Heathrow an hour late.

We queued up at the customer service desk for flight connections and listened to a lot of very grumpy folk annoyed they had missed their connection. The staff were doing their best to fix their travel plans. We are very lucky as we have got on the next flight to Aberdeen which leaves in about an hour and we have been granted access to the BA lounge which is a nice ending to the holiday! We are currently watching the GP qualifying and munching on some lunch.

Lovely day in London, and lovely too in Kemnay I believe. We are looking forward to seeing Hollie when we get home : ) And mum and dad too ; ) and having a shower!

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